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How can we educate and mobilise policymakers on the urgent need to address the disease burden of CVD, Europe's number one killer?

European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health’s (EACH) coalition of stakeholders teamed up with Bump to bring their ambitious and creative vision to life for an EP exhibition in Strasbourg, centred around the urgent need for a cardiovascular health plan in Europe.

Titled Vote Cardiovascular Health 2024, this exhibition featured country-specific and EU-wide data on the enormous burden of CVD, Europe’s number one killer, and the importance of committing to policies that identify, prevent and minimise the harm done by this devastating disease.

In addition to the data provided by the European Society of Cardiology, the space also served as a mini video studio, where MEPs could go on camera and voice their support for a cardiovascular health plan. More than 100 policymakers showed their support in the form of video content, signatures, photos and more, showing a unified front in recognising the need to tackle this disease.

CVD not only impacts the general health of Europe’s population, but it can also have astronomical financial and economic consequences to society at large. This exhibition was a way to strategically present this crucial information to policymakers in an interactive, digestible format and give them an opportunity to publicly show their support in addressing this urgent societal issue.

And while it was a huge success overall, you don’t have to take our word for it: An MEP assistant told members of EACH directly that MEPs were calling it “the best exhibition the Parliament ever had” – not the worst feedback to hear!

See more from the exhibition below:

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